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Women’s Soccer – How to Sign with a Professional Team in Europe

Navigating the path to professional women’s soccer in Europe can be as challenging as it is exciting. It’s a journey that requires skill, dedication, and strategic planning.

Understanding the European Soccer Landscape

  • Diverse Leagues: Europe is home to numerous soccer leagues, each with its own level of play, culture, and opportunities. Research leagues in countries like England, Germany, France, and Spain to understand their structure and requirements.
  • Pathway Differences: Unlike the collegiate system in the US, European teams often have youth academies and direct recruitment channels. Understanding these pathways is crucial.

Creating a Strong Player Profile

  • Resume and Highlights: Create a soccer resume highlighting your experience, statistics, and achievements. Include a highlight reel showcasing your skills on the field.
  • Playing Experience: Participate in competitive leagues, college soccer, or local clubs to gain valuable playing experience and exposure.

Networking and Exposure

  • Connecting with Scouts and Agents: Networking is key. Attend soccer showcases, engage with agents, and reach out to scouts.
  • Utilizing Social Media: Platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn can be powerful tools for increasing visibility and connecting with teams and key figures in women’s soccer.
Karima and Anyssa - Warubi women's soccer careers
Anyssa Ibrahim and Karime Lemire signed with German professional team 1.FFC Turbine Potsdam after successful tryouts in Germany.

Trials and Tryouts

  • Finding Opportunities: Keep an eye out for open tryouts and trial opportunities with European teams. Research the transfer windows of each country!
  • Preparation: Prepare mentally and physically. Understand the style of play and expectations of the team you’re trialing with.

Navigating Contracts and Legalities

  • Understanding Contracts: Familiarize yourself with contract terms, conditions, and player rights. It’s recommeneded to seek legal guidance when reviewing contracts.
  • Work Permits and Visas: Research the visa and work permit requirements for the country where you wish to play.

Adapting to a New Culture

  • Cultural Adaptation: Moving to a new country requires adapting to a different culture, language, and lifestyle.
  • Support Systems: Seek out support from fellow players, expat communities, or professional services to ease the transition.


Signing with a professional soccer team in Europe is a dream many female players have. It requires dedication, skill, patience, and a proactive approach. By understanding the landscape, building your profile, networking, and preparing for the logistical aspects, you can make informed decisions and increase your chances of landing a contract in the world professional women’s soccer.