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6 Ways to improve your networking game – How to easily connect with coaches and colleagues on LinkedIn

Remote learning is here to stay and gives everyone the opportunity to take the next career step. Take action now and connect with like-minded coaches and sports enthusiasts to build your own network!

Soccer/Football is a game of opinions and ideas, and finding the right solutions for your individual situation is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Online education and Licenses are important for opening doors, but networking is crucial for taking the next step and sharing ideas! Today, we want to focus on LinkedIn and give you steps to increase your network instantly!


1. Connect with people you know on LinkedIn

The number one tip for networking on LinkedIn is to make sure you are connected to people you know, including friends, family, and colleagues. These are people who probably know about your work ethic and who you are as an individual. Check out the “People You May Know” feature on LinkedIn’s “My Network” tab as an easy way to find and connect with people who went to the same school as you, work in similar roles or industries, and are based in the same city.

Maintaining relationships is a critical part of networking, so it’s a good idea to take the time to reach out to your close contacts. For example, put a reminder on your calendar every six weeks to check in and ask what they’re working on. Send an email to celebrate a birthday or to congratulate a recent achievement. The habit of consistent communication in a genuine way will be beneficial in the long run. You can also engage with their content on LinkedIn by “liking” or commenting on their posts and showing your support.

2. Customize your connection invitation

It’s not good to send a generic invitation to connect, but it’s one of the most common mistakes on LinkedIn. Use an optional message to explain why you want a particular person to be part of your network. If you don’t know this person, consider this message the beginning of your professional relationship.

If your invitation request is accepted, try to strike up an interesting conversation about a work-related topic that you and your new connection have in common.

3. Publishing and Sharing Content

Another way to expand your network is to increase your visibility by regularly publishing and sharing content that may be of interest to your contacts. So, what is the best way to do this?

Post articles from your blog, your portfolio, or any news you find relevant. LinkedIn is an excellent content distribution tool that allows you to reach professionals who are not already part of your contact list. Of course, LinkedIn is not Twitter or Facebook, so avoid posting memes and uploading vacation photos.

Don’t bombard your contacts either. Only post content that adds value to your profile and stick to a posting schedule. There’s also a fine line between choosing content that’s relevant and content that isn’t. Think carefully about what you publish and determine what interests your network.

4. Ask your network for help

When you connect with people you know on LinkedIn, you’ll not only see more relevant conversations in your feed, but you’ll also discover professional networks in your contacts that you may not have known about. For example, you might find out that your cousin’s college roommate runs HR at a company you love, which could make it easier to interview a hiring manager. Asking your connections to introduce you is a great way to expand your digital network.

Remember that no matter where your life or career takes you, your professional community is here to support you. Check out this free LinkedIn tutorial for more tips and expert advice, including ways to digitally engage with your professional network.

5. Ask questions and write recommendations

Behind every LinkedIn profile is a person trying to improve their reputation. To do this, LinkedIn offers a section where users can request endorsements from their contacts. Former bosses, colleagues, professors, and friends from university can also verify users’ skills.

It’s important to show a sincere and grateful attitude on LinkedIn, as this will encourage your connections to support you when you need it. Remember that building a network of trusted connections requires perseverance and persistence, and cannot be achieved overnight. To build a successful professional profile on LinkedIn, focus on interaction, dialogue, and visibility.

Avoid asking for endorsements from people in your network with whom you have no professional or personal relationship, and don’t promote someone’s skills if you don’t know them, especially if you’re doing it to get the same in return. Instead, take the time to make job referrals to people you’ve worked with before, as this will help you build a strong network of professional contacts.

6. Interaction with other professionals and companies

Interaction is crucial in a social network like LinkedIn. It’s important to use your network of contacts to share relevant content and receive feedback. Interacting with other profiles also helps to increase your visibility on the network. Here are some recommendations for building engagement on LinkedIn:

  • Set up notifications to stay updated when people or companies you follow post content on their profiles.
  • Engage with the posts of other users and companies by recommending, commenting, sharing, or tagging people quoted in messages from your contacts. Joining LinkedIn groups can also be a great way to interact with others.
  • Share events and meetings on your channel or profile, or send them via private message if they may be of interest to your contacts.
  • Show congratulations for promotions and anniversaries, as LinkedIn notifications and alerts can help you stay informed about important events in your contacts’ professional lives.
  • Respond to private messages, as long as they are not spam or sponsored posts. Make an effort to reply to every LinkedIn user who is interested in your work.

By following these tips, you can build a strong network and increase your visibility on LinkedIn.

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